29. 1. 2015

between land and trees
lines of force 
geometry, shapes and symbols

pyramid, horizon, diamond, funnel

Hradec nad Moravicí, CZ

26. 1. 2015

fetus molding

plodnosť - blastuly // fertility - blastulas
cesto, silonky, povraz, lievik // dough, tights rope funnel

miesenie zárodku tela // fetus molding
videoinštalácia // videoinstallation

telo a jeho identita je vo svojej počiatočnej forme ako neurčitá, tvarovateľná, organická hmota
svojim vlastným telom miesim cesto, to druhé telo
je to priamy kontakt
objem sa zväčšuje, tvoria sa žily, hmota sa napĺňa krvou
video je premietané do zavesenej periny, ktorá tvorí mäkučké púzdro, druhú kožu
je jeho teplým miestom, ochranou
nakonci je výsledná forma, nový, krvavý, pekne vykysnutý subjekt
body and identity is in its initial form as vague, formable, organic matter
with own body kneading the dough, the second body
it is direct contact
volume increases, form the vein, matter is filled with blood
video is projected into a hanging feather-bed that forms soft case, the second skin
is his warm place protection
at the end is the resulant form, new, bloody, nicely fermented body

16. 1. 2015

communication cavities

communication cavities - hearing, touching

bio structure as big organism with independent somatic system and own life

paintings - each 170x120cm
acrylic, oil, marker on linen canvas